Sunday 16 June 2013

Three Day Clean Eating Cleanse!

Long time no blog!

I feel like it's been such a long time since I've had the time to write anything!

There's been quite a bit going on for me at the moment, and I'm finding it all a bit hard to keep up with.

Last week, I had three major assessments due. One 3000 word essay, one 3500 word essay, and one two hour exam, which kept me incredibly busy with studying for all of them and trying to do a good job. Thankfully, it's all done now, and I'm one step closer to getting my degree! A conjoint Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) and Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies, in case you were wondering :p

Following all of this, I thought I would have five weeks off university to chill out, work on my fitness, and get ready for the stage production which I'm taking part in. Turns out the universe had other plans for me!

The Thursday afternoon after my exam, I got a call from an office where I've done some temp work before. They were offering me a full time contract for four weeks! Talk about perfect timing!

So I signed my contract pretty quickly and started work on Monday. The rest of this week has just passed in a blur!

I've also been keeping up my hours at the shop where I usually work, so that's meant I've worked the last 10 days in a row. Talk about tiring!

While I really wanted to spend my time off focusing on my health and fitness, I'm really happy to have the chance to earn a little (well actually, a lot. A whole lot!) extra money. But being so busy so suddenly has kind of caught me off guard, and has led me to make some pretty poor food choices, and left me with little time to hit the gym.

You know the kind of choices I mean- buying a chocolate bar for a snack because it's quick energy; grabbing takeaways on the way home because you're too tired to cook; getting energy drinks most days to help you stay alert; hitting the snooze button instead of jumping our of bed for some early morning exercise.

Making these kinds of choices has meant that my clean eating has fallen by the wayside, and I'm starting to feel really sorry for myself!

But it's time to get my act together now. Right now!

So to start with, I'm going to treat myself to a three-day clean eating cleanse!

For me, this cleanse will be all about re-setting my body and my metabolism to a comfortable level, and also about de-bloating and ridding my body of the junk that I've been putting into it! It's all about getting back into my great habits, and starting to feel great about myself again.

To help me do this, I'm going to keep to a simple kind of format.

Each morning, I'm going to start with a liver cleansing drink made from 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp honey, and a large glass of water. To make it, dissolve the honey in a little hot water, add the vinegar, and top up with cold or lukewarm water.
This drink helps your liver to process any toxins which are floating around your body, and helps to get rid of any bloating too :) It can be kind of icky if you're not used to it, but the honey really helps!

Following this drink, I'll be having a coconut chia smoothie! Yum!

To make this smoothie, you'll need:
  • 1 medium banana, chopped.
  • 3/4 cup mixed berries
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 tbs chia seeds soaked in water
  • 1 tbs coconut oil
  • 1.5 cups of coconut milk
Throw everything in a blender, and blend until smooth :)

This tasty smoothie is full of healthy fats, electrolytes, protein, fibre, and antioxidants. Plus, it will keep you feeling full for ages!

For the next three days, I've made myself a batch of pumpkin, tomato, and quinoa soup for lunch!
I'll be posting that recipe up tomorrow :)

My snacks will be fruit- apples and mandarins, and carrot sticks with hummus, maybe with a babybel thrown in if I need a little extra protein.

This lunch and my snacks should keep me going right the way through until dinner, which I've planned to be high protein, low carb, low fat, and super yummy!

With all of this great eating, all I need is to get a little more exercise in, which I'll be doing in my lunch break! Just a little walk every day will be enough to make a real difference to how I feel :) I plan to also do 15 minutes of yoga each day, and 20 minutes of free weights and core work. So easy to keep up with!

So that's my three day clean eating cleanse in a nutshell! Keep an eye out over the next three days, when I'll be sharing more recipes and going into more detail about the cleanse and the foods that I'm using to heal my body.

I've taken my measurements and weight, and I can't wait to see a great improvement over the next three days.

Just so you know, my weight was at 72.9kg this morning, and my waist measured 83cm. Not ideal, but I can sure change that!

Thanks for listening in guys, I would love to hear what you think about this cleanse or if you have any ideas of your own for me!

Monday 3 June 2013

Oh so Pinteresting: The FitSugar 'Anywhere' Workout

I am an absolute Pinterest addict!

It's the site I turn to when I need something to amuse or inspire me, when I want new baking ideas, or when I need to plan my (imaginary) wedding, or my (imaginary) dream house (and also when I'm avoiding doing uni work :p).

I can spend hours just browsing Pinterest, and I always find so many things to re-pin, especially when it comes to their 'Health + Fitness' section!

I've got a HUGE board titled 'Move, Nourish, Believe!' (inspired by Lorna Jane, of course!) which is absolutely filled with great workout ideas, weight loss tips, and clean eating recipes.

But, like most of us Pinterest addicts, I end up pinning far more things than I actually have time to try!

So recently I got to thinking that I should make a little more of an effort to actually do some of the workouts that I pin on Pinterest! Here's what I chose to start with:

The fitsugar "Anywhere" Workout!

Daily bodyweight workout- great to try!
I've taken this image from Pinterest, originally pinned from :)
I really loved the look of this workout, because it's something that I can do absolutely anywhere, with very little space required, and when I have very little time available! I also love that this workout helps me to tone up at home, when I don't have time to get to the gym, or when I have a 'walking' exercise day- with this workout and my regular walking, I know that I'm getting an all-over workout!

This workout is one which will seriously tone up your midsection, and will really improve your core strength and will help with lower-body toning too!

Yesterday, I started with Monday's workout, and boy was it hard! I looked at what was required and thought, oh yeah I can totally do that! Turns out my core strength isn't quite as good as I thought!

The two side planks to start with nearly killed me, and I had to make sure I kept an eye on my watch so that I didn't quit early! The regular plank wasn't much better, but I got there in the end, and I could really feel it working! The lunges were great, I could feel the burn! ;) Then I had to look up 'how to do a burpee' on YouTube, because I had no idea what it was!

Turns out the idea is to get down on the floor, flat on your stomach, then jump back up as quickly as possible before jumping up into the air with your arms raised, and doing it all again. Great fun! ;)

I'm now really looking forward to trying out the Tuesday workout later on today! Push-ups... Hmm... I haven't done a push up in MONTHS! Here goes nothing :p

What are some of your favorite workouts that are easy to fit in at home? I'd love to hear some new ideas!

By the by, if you'd like to follow/find me on Pinterest, you can look me up! Just search 'Emma Burns,' and I shouldn't be too hard to find! My user name is emgem707. I'd love to follow you too!