Saturday 18 May 2013

Cleaning up my Act

For a long time now, I've wanted to jump right on to the 'clean eating' bandwagon.

Somehow, something always seems to get in my way...

Whether it be my love of baking (and love for eating said baking, especially the peanut butter cupcakes, brownies and Guinness cupcakes pictured here),

Or a family celebration to attend, 

I can always find a reason (alright, an excuse) as to why I "can't right now."

Sometimes it's even just the idea that it's all too hard!

I mean, how does one change the habits of a lifetime? How does one change their eating habits completely, and figure out how to nourish themselves with a whole new range of foods?? (Some of which one can't even pronounce properly! Quinoa, anyone?) Especially when one suffers from a range of intolerances and a semi-serious illness?

More tricky, is working out how one is to convince their lovely partner of four years 

that clean eating doesn't mean eating "tasteless food" (i.e. food that isn't processed, covered in salt or cooked in/with fat, or meals that aren't based around meat, pasta, and rice!)

But those are all questions that I'm really going to have to work out the answers to!

Because, let me be honest with you, right now I'm feeling overweight, unfit, unhealthy, tired, and all of those blue kind of feelings that just take away my sense of sparkle.

And I'm sick of feeling like that!

So it's time.

No more hiding behind excuses, no more ignoring my problems, and no more passing up opportunities to make a change in my life!

I've got too much to accomplish, too much to enjoy, and too much to experience to be bogged down feeling heavy, tired, and unwell.

They say that 

So that's where I'm going to start.

I'm going to change my mind about clean eating being "too hard," and I'm finally going to take control of my health and wellbeing! 

Because, let's face it, for each and every one of us, our health is in our own hands. Most of the time anyhow, there's so much we can do to improve our lives simply by fuelling our bodies with the right foods, and nourishing ourselves with what our bodies truly need: clean food, enjoyable exercise, and lots of green tea ;)

I want to do this now.

It's no longer an "I really should" feeling. I really want to stop thinking about clean eating and being healthy, and make it a reality!

So here goes nothing!

From today, I'm eating clean.

I'm thinking more about what I'm putting into my body, more about how I move, and more about how I think.

This can only be good for me! 

So watch this space, and we'll see how I go.

I'll be posting up recipes and ideas, and probably be complaining a lot and asking for help, so maybe we can help each other out and live our best lives together.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! Looking forward to seeing how you go with it. I love saying Quinoa (keen-wah) just because other people can't ;) hahaha
